Luck? Sounds a bit like fu…..

Deadpool once asked “Is luck a superpower?” If you asked Bill Morgan he may well say yes. In 1998 his heart stopped for 14 minutes and 38 seconds and although he was revived, he spent the next couple weeks in a coma and spent a few more months on the road to recovery. When he was fully recuperated and was out shopping he decided to … Continue reading Luck? Sounds a bit like fu…..

Borley Rectory: The Place Harry Price Dubbed “The Most Haunted Place in England”

Introduction Nestled in the picturesque countryside of Essex, England, lies a place shrouded in mystery and the supernatural – Borley Rectory. Often referred to as “the most haunted house in England,” the rectory’s chilling history has captivated the minds of paranormal enthusiasts and skeptics alike for decades. In this blog post, we delve into the eerie hauntings that have surrounded Borley Rectory, exploring the tales, … Continue reading Borley Rectory: The Place Harry Price Dubbed “The Most Haunted Place in England”

The Enfield Haunting -The UK’s Most Famous Haunting

Introduction Ghosts, spirits, and supernatural phenomena have always fascinated humanity, sparking our curiosity about the unknown. Among the many tales that have captivated people’s imaginations, the Enfield Haunting stands out as one of the most chilling and debated cases in paranormal history. This real-life occurrence, which took place in the late 1970s, has left a lasting impact on both sceptics and believers alike. The Enfield … Continue reading The Enfield Haunting -The UK’s Most Famous Haunting

Hauntings at the Tower of London: Unveiling the Ghostly Secrets

Introduction For centuries, the Tower of London has stood as an iconic symbol of power, royalty, and intrigue. From its historical significance as a royal palace, a fortress, and a prison to its grim reputation as the site of countless executions, this ancient structure holds a dark and mysterious past. But beyond its historical significance, the Tower of London is also renowned for its chilling … Continue reading Hauntings at the Tower of London: Unveiling the Ghostly Secrets

The Mysterious Disappearance of Flight 19: Unravelling the Bermuda Triangle Enigma

Introduction In the annals of aviation history, few incidents have captured the public’s imagination and stirred as much debate as the disappearance of Flight 19. On December 5, 1945, five United States Navy torpedo bombers vanished without a trace during a routine training exercise over the infamous Bermuda Triangle. The enigmatic events surrounding Flight 19 have since become a symbol of the Triangle’s mystery and … Continue reading The Mysterious Disappearance of Flight 19: Unravelling the Bermuda Triangle Enigma

The Wollaton Gnome Sighting: A Mysterious Tale of Little People in Nottingham

On the evening of February 23, 1979, a group of children were playing in Wollaton Park in Nottingham, England, when they reported seeing a group of gnomes driving around in miniature cars. The children, who were all between the ages of 8 and 10, described the gnomes as being about 12 inches tall, with long white beards and wearing yellow tights, blue tops, and bobble … Continue reading The Wollaton Gnome Sighting: A Mysterious Tale of Little People in Nottingham

Chillingham Castle: The Most Haunted Castle in England

Chillingham Castle, oh boy, where do I even begin with this spooky 13th-century fortress in Northumberland, England? Legend has it that this place is crawling with ghosts, making it the ultimate playground for those brave enough to go ghost hunting or indulge in some paranormal thrills. After all, who needs roller coasters when you can get an adrenaline rush from the supernatural? So, if you’re … Continue reading Chillingham Castle: The Most Haunted Castle in England

Missing “Little Bastard” Found? – James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder Located in Brazil?

For anyone who isn’t familiar with the tale of “Little Bastard”, you can get the full scoop from one of our podcast episodes, located below. For anyone wanting the short version, the TDLR is this: James Dean was an avid racing enthusiast. He competed in a fair few competitions and ended up buying himself a pretty spangly Porsche 550 Spyder which he had customised with … Continue reading Missing “Little Bastard” Found? – James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder Located in Brazil?

Someone took a video of a real giant and then was never seen again…

Can we stop for a moment to talk about giants? Yes, you heard me right, I said giants. We all love a good giant. Of course naturally, I’m not talking about the Michael Jordan or The Mountain from Game of Thrones kind. I’m talking about real giants that may or may not still be around today, hidden in the vast cave networks dotted throughout the … Continue reading Someone took a video of a real giant and then was never seen again…