Eminem Died in 2006 and was Replaced with a Clone?

Introduction Conspiracy theories have a way of captivating our imagination, often blurring the line between reality and fiction. One such theory that has gained traction in recent years is the belief that Eminem, the iconic rapper and lyrical genius, was replaced by a clone. While this theory might seem outlandish at first glance, it’s essential to examine the evidence critically and separate fact from fiction. … Continue reading Eminem Died in 2006 and was Replaced with a Clone?

The Denver Airport Conspiracy

Introduction Nestled against the backdrop of the Colorado Rockies, the Denver International Airport (DIA) stands as a marvel of modern engineering and design. Yet, beneath its impressive façade lies a web of conspiracy theories that have captured the imaginations of many. From secret societies to hidden bunkers, the Denver Airport conspiracy theories have ignited a firestorm of speculation and intrigue. In this blog post, we … Continue reading The Denver Airport Conspiracy

The Montauk Project: Fact or Fiction?

Introduction The Montauk Project is a subject that has captivated the minds of conspiracy theorists, science fiction enthusiasts, and curious minds alike for decades. Often considered one of the most enigmatic and mysterious government experiments, the Montauk Project allegedly delves into time travel, mind control, and extraterrestrial connections. In this blog post, we will explore the origins, claims, and controversies surrounding the Montauk Project to … Continue reading The Montauk Project: Fact or Fiction?

Does Drinking the Blood of Children Make You Young?

Conspiracies are a funny thing aren’t they? It’s great to laugh at the strange people who are part of the tin-foil hat community. People who believe that 5g is the government’s way of controlling us. Or that some pigeons are actually robots with built in cameras who spy on the public. Or that Joe Biden is actually a shadow president (who would have thought that … Continue reading Does Drinking the Blood of Children Make You Young?

The Real Curse of Monkey Island

In South Carolina, there sits an island inhabited exclusively by a colony of monkeys. But these are no ordinary monkeys. A few hundred rhesus monkeys which were infected with the herpes B virus were brought over to the island from Puerto Rico back in 1979 and placed under ownership of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Some of them would go on to … Continue reading The Real Curse of Monkey Island

Polybius – a government mind-control experiment?

Back in April 2021 (a lifetime ago it seems), we talked about one of Atreya’s most all time favourite conspiracies – Polybius. In the same episode, Ant also told us about New Coke, which as we all know has killed the teeth of millions of people over the years (and also a small child when he drank about 8 litres of it whilst trying to … Continue reading Polybius – a government mind-control experiment?