Mon dieu tu es grand tu es beau

The year is 1785; a few years before Edmund Blackadder does his impression of the Milk Tray man for Robespierre; Cardinal de Rohan, the former ambassador to the court of Vienna, is in court accused of having the King over for 1.5 million livre, Marie-Antoinette’s name was being dragged through the mud (again) and ol’ King Louis XVI is mad as hell. But how, what, … Continue reading Mon dieu tu es grand tu es beau

To win, you have to risk loss.

So as Tokyo kicks off the belated 2020 Olympics, and because everyone is saying that this may be the worst games ever due athletes getting ill, no spectators and the C bomb, I will politely remind everyone that St Louis hosted the worst Olympic games EVER. For a start, it was the second longest Olympics ever, lasting a staggering 146 days. London in 1908 said … Continue reading To win, you have to risk loss.

“Romanes eunt domus”? “People called Romanes, they go the ‘ouse”?

So because Italy have just won the Euro 2020 (a year late but whatevs) and totally not because I’ve been watching and crying to Luciano Pavarotti’s amazing rendition of “Nessun Dorma”, I’m gonna talk/type about Italy’s favourite son: Big JC.That’s right Julius Caesar. The man, the myth, the flipping LEG-ENG! Big JC (that is his official name) was born in 100 BCE, he was named … Continue reading “Romanes eunt domus”? “People called Romanes, they go the ‘ouse”?

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe

So after a cursory search, I’ve just found out that sunglasses were invented on this day 1200 CE in China. No idea if archaeologists found an ancient calendar with the day ringed on it but they seem to be firm on the date! It was also the day that Albert Einstein introduced his theory of special relativity, so as I can’t get an article out … Continue reading Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe

“What I mean is . . . maybe it’s only us.”

While I’m still on holiday in the beautiful area of Devon, it would be remiss of me not to mention the Beast of Exmoor.  The “beast” is said to roam the fields and moors of Devon and Somerset, and is claimed to be a phantom cat. They are also described as Alien Big Cats, which means they are alien to their surrounding environment and not … Continue reading “What I mean is . . . maybe it’s only us.”

Diabolical forces are formidable

As I’m staying in a house that’s over 400 years old and it’s guaranteed to be haunted, cos new builds never are, I decided to cover the Warrens. In case you aren’t aware, they’re the people who were the inspiration for the Conjuring universe and I think, personally, they are charlatans.For the record, I don’t think that the Warrens set out to deceive anyone, they … Continue reading Diabolical forces are formidable

“God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.”

If y’all thought there was only one Iron Mike, you would be 100% right and this cat didn’t have a face tattoo. Michael Malloy was a Donegal man who had been transplanted into the Bronx, either due to the “Great Famine” or just due wandering feet as records are sketchy and so is Mike’s age. He was between 40 and 60 according to newspaper reports … Continue reading “God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world.”

Listen, rummy, I’m gonna say it plain and simple. Where’d you pinch the hooch? Is some blind tiger jerking suds on the side?

For the record I understand that alcohol and alcoholism isn’t great and I have witnessed first hand how these people act, and how they die, but some people are just dicks, plain and simple, and trying to excuse their behaviour because “they’ve had a drink” is equally as bad as trying to control their lives by thinking you know better than them all because they … Continue reading Listen, rummy, I’m gonna say it plain and simple. Where’d you pinch the hooch? Is some blind tiger jerking suds on the side?

The Deadliest Game… Cows

There is a rampant pandemic roaming these Islands and it’s not just Covid-19. Cow’s have been running amok and since 2000, in Britain alone, more than 80 people have been killed by these terrors of the fields. That’s four people a year, and to put that into perspective last year, worldwide, there were 10 unprovoked shark related fatalities. Although famed for Jaws, the US only … Continue reading The Deadliest Game… Cows

My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water. …

We all know America and Russia have a rivalry going on and, after the events 2nd Pacific Fleet,  America stepped up their game and launched the Destroyer William D Porter. When you name your boat the Willie Dee, you know it’s gonna be special, and the Destroyer William D Porter was just that. Commissioned on the 6th July 1943 and with Lieutenant Commander Wilfred A … Continue reading My escape is to just get in a boat and disappear on the water. …