The Haunting Mystery of the Keddie Cabin Murders


In the annals of true crime, certain cases leave an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. The Keddie Cabin Murders, an infamous and chilling unsolved crime that occurred in a remote California resort in 1981, is one such case. To this day, it continues to haunt both investigators and amateur sleuths alike, with its shocking brutality and lack of resolution. In this blog post, we delve into the perplexing details of the Keddie Cabin Murders and the enduring mystery that surrounds it.

The Setting

Nestled in the picturesque Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Keddie Resort was a serene and peaceful getaway for vacationers seeking solace in nature. The resort comprised several cabins, one of which would become the scene of a gruesome and baffling crime that shook the tranquil community to its core.

The Horrific Discovery

Photo from People Magazine

On the morning of April 12, 1981, a family friend stumbled upon a horrific sight in Cabin 28. The bodies of Sue Sharp, a 36-year-old mother, her two children, John and Dana, ages 15 and 17 respectively, and John’s friend Dana, aged 17, lay lifeless, bound, and bludgeoned to death. The crime scene was one of unspeakable violence and cruelty, leaving investigators perplexed as to the motive behind such a heinous act.

The Unsolved Puzzle

As the investigation unfolded, more perplexing details emerged. Sue Sharp’s two younger children, Rick and Greg, were sleeping in an adjacent room at the time of the murders but were left unharmed. Furthermore, three younger boys, who were staying in a nearby cabin, claimed to have heard nothing that night, despite the viciousness of the attack.

The lack of a clear motive and the absence of any signs of forced entry added to the enigma of the case. Despite numerous leads, potential suspects, and interviews, the Keddie Cabin Murders remain unsolved to this day.

Theories and Suspects

Over the years, numerous theories and suspects have emerged, ranging from local criminals to potential personal vendettas against the victims. Some theories suggest that the crime may have been drug-related, while others point to a possible connection with a known criminal who had ties to the area.

In recent times, advancements in DNA technology have raised hopes of a breakthrough in the case. However, as of the writing of this blog post, the Keddie Cabin Murders remain an open wound, haunting the memories of those connected to the victims and perplexing armchair investigators worldwide.

Impact and Legacy

The Keddie Cabin Murders have left an enduring impact on the community and the true crime community at large. The case has inspired documentaries, books, and podcasts, all seeking to shed light on the truth behind the brutal crime. Additionally, the unresolved nature of the case has given rise to speculation and amateur sleuthing, as individuals continue to seek justice for the victims and their families.


The Keddie Cabin Murders stand as a testament to the darker side of human nature, leaving a trail of pain and unanswered questions in their wake. As we reflect on this haunting case, we must remember the victims and the families who still yearn for closure. With the passage of time, we can only hope that advancements in forensic technology or the emergence of new information will one day bring the truth to light and provide solace to those affected by this tragic and unsolved crime. Until then, the mystery of the Keddie Cabin Murders will continue to challenge our understanding of justice and the limits of human comprehension.

Here on The M.O Podcast we covered this story. You can check it out in our video below:

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