The Wollaton Gnome Sighting: A Mysterious Tale of Little People in Nottingham

On the evening of February 23, 1979, a group of children were playing in Wollaton Park in Nottingham, England, when they reported seeing a group of gnomes driving around in miniature cars. The children, who were all between the ages of 8 and 10, described the gnomes as being about 12 inches tall, with long white beards and wearing yellow tights, blue tops, and bobble hats.

Photo by Mathias Reding on

The children were initially frightened by the sight of the gnomes, but they said that the gnomes seemed friendly and waved at them. The children waved back, and then became frightened and ran when the little people, now in miniature cars, started driving menacingly in their direction, all the while listening to maniacal, high pitched laughter coming from the treeline. They bounded out of the gate to the park and noticed that the gnomes did not follow them, with one child stating that “they would have died in the light”.

The children told their teachers, who called the police. The police searched the park, but they did not find any evidence of the gnomes.

The story of the Wollaton Gnome sighting made headlines in the local paper, and it quickly became a local legend. Some people believe that the children made the whole thing up, but others believe that they actually saw something supernatural.

There are a few things that make the Wollaton Gnome sighting so intriguing. First, the children were all decent kids with no history of making up stories. Second, the children’s descriptions of the gnomes were consistent, even though they had never seen anything like them before. Third, the children weren’t the only people who reported seeing gnomes in Wollaton Park around that time.

In the years since the sighting, there have been a number of theories about what the children saw. Some people think they saw a group of people dressed up as gnomes, while others think they saw a real group of gnomes. There have also been suggestions that the children may have been hallucinating, or that they may have seen a group of fairies.

Whatever the truth may be, the Wollaton Gnome sighting remains a fascinating mystery. It is a story that has captured the imaginations of people all over the world, and it is a story that will continue to be told for many years to come.

The Wollaton Gnome sighting is a reminder that there are still many mysteries in the world that we do not understand. It is also a reminder that the power of imagination can be a powerful thing. Whether or not the children actually saw gnomes that night, their story has inspired people to believe in the possibility of the supernatural.

In addition to the children’s eyewitness accounts, there are a few other pieces of evidence that suggest that the Wollaton Gnome sighting may be more than just a hoax. For example, a few days after the sighting, a local man found a miniature car in his garden. The car was about 12 inches long and was made of wood. It had a steering wheel, a seat, and a miniature motor. The man said that he had never seen the car before, and he did not know where it came from.

Another piece of evidence is a photograph that was taken by a local photographer shortly after the sighting. The photograph shows a group of small figures standing in the middle of a road. The figures are too small to be seen clearly, but they appear to be wearing the same type of clothing that the children described the gnomes as wearing.

The Wollaton Gnome sighting is a fascinating mystery that has yet to be solved. There is no clear evidence to prove or disprove the existence of gnomes, but the story continues to capture the imaginations of people all over the world. Whether or not the children actually saw gnomes that night, their story is a reminder that there is still much about the world that we do not understand.

If you are ever in Nottingham, be sure to visit Wollaton Park. Who knows, you might just see the gnomes yourself!

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