Missing “Little Bastard” Found? – James Dean’s Porsche 550 Spyder Located in Brazil?

For anyone who isn’t familiar with the tale of “Little Bastard”, you can get the full scoop from one of our podcast episodes, located below.

For anyone wanting the short version, the TDLR is this:

James Dean was an avid racing enthusiast. He competed in a fair few competitions and ended up buying himself a pretty spangly Porsche 550 Spyder which he had customised with the name “Little Bastard” and the number 130.

His friends told him the car was bad news and one colleague even told him “if you get in that car you’ll be dead within a week”. As fate would have it, that prediction would be absolutely right and Dean was killed in a head on collision a week later.

The mangled wreckage of the car was eventually purchased by a dealer who wanted to rebuild it, however the car ended up killing several people (including 2 men who drove it) and maiming several others. It was then loaned out to be taken on demonstrations for car safety when it mysteriously vanished.

The car has never been seen since.

Until yesterday that is when it was spotted by our very own ContumaciousAnt whilst holidaying in Brazil.

I’m sure you’ll all have noticed the suspicious-looking badge on the back.

Has Ant single-handedly solved the mystery of the missing car?

Well, sadly not. James Dean’s 550 did not have the racing bucket seats that this bad boy has (although that’s not the say that this can’t be the original but souped-up a bit). I did a bit of digging however and it looks to be a sport of sorts for racing car enthusiasts and there are a multitude of replicas across the world that are extremely convincing!

A quick search of eBay pulled up this little gem.

For a small sum of £24,500 you can actually own a Porsche 550 Spyder customised to look exactly like Little Bastard (and with only 500 mile on the clock). I must admit, I did try and convince the other half to put it on the credit card, but he just laughed at me, so I’m left with the thought that he clearly just doesn’t want me to experience happiness.

Being short in my savings of around £24,000, I’ve had to settle with the below to tide me over until I can save up enough to get the real thing.

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