Woman who married rag doll says he cheated on her in motel while she was in hospital with their baby

Okay you guys, can we please talk about this weird new thing that’s happening where women are getting married to ghosts and other such odd things? I mean, I can get onboard with the narrative you tell people when you “marry” a ghost that he’s always out getting drunk with his ghost friends, sleeping around, never helping with the housework – I get that cos who’s gonna disagree with you when no one except you can see the ghost?

It’s weird, but I get how people just give those folks weird looks and go “yup, okay, whatever you say chick” and let them crack on with their lives. Those people are apparently quite serious – it doesn’t seem to be a publicity stunt or a joke.

Which brings me on to this lady.

Meirivone Rocha Moraes from Brazil who “fell in love with” and “married” a rag doll called Marcello. Not only that, they went on to have a “baby” together.

Meirivone’s Instagram page shows all the wonderful moments her and Marcello have had, including their wedding day, along with a photo of her dressed in scrubs after “giving birth” at home to their son Marcelinho. Allegedly there was also a doctor and a nurse present for the home birth.

The happy couples’ wedding day – check out the “wtf” look on the face of lady in the back right.

However, all is not as peachy as it seems, as recently one of Meirivone’s pals claimed she saw Marcello entering a motel room with another woman. Meirivone at first didn’t believe her friend, until she went through Marcello’s phone and found inappropriate texts between him and the other woman.

What made matters so much worse, was that Marcello had apparently cheated on his wife whilst she was hospitalised with their son for 3 days when he had a virus. What an absolute cad.

The unhappy couple are now sleeping in separate rooms and she hasn’t kicked the useless twat out of the house yet because she wants their son to have some stability with his father.

Meirivone with Marcelinho after giving birth.

My question is, assuming of course that this lady is quite serious about the whole situation – why on Earth has no one pulled her to one side and said “ummm, you’re not hurting anyone of course, but you should probably go talk to someone about this whole….thing, you know?”. I mean we also have to question the motives behind her apparent “friend” (if indeed there even is a friend) who is fuelling this weird situation.

The wedding photos are absolute gold as well. Check out the lady at the back right of the photo. Her face absolutely tells it all. But she seems to be the only one there who is thinking that the entire thing is absolutely crackers.

Naturally I had to see what reddit said about the whole thing, and the comments were amazing.

Here’s Mierivone’s Insta if anyone wants a look into her unconventional life. If she did all of this as a publicity stunt or as a joke, she definitely must have needed the money is all I can say.

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